Our CPD courses have the enviable reputation for high quality and value. We run evening seminars, study days and large conferences. We pass on information of other, quality sports education CPD events that may be of interest to our members and often these attract discounts for OSCA member. OSCA members get priority booking and are charged reduced rates at our events. Please see below for a selection of both upcoming and previous events.
Education & CPD //
Our next masterclass will Wednesday 4th February 2015 and the same format as the first five, taking place on a weekday evening from 6.30pm. The title for the sixth class will be 'The Rugby Player'. Please see further details to the right hand side of this page and click HERE to book your place.
You will find a list of our previous events below.
Masterclass 1 - Lessons learned from the 2012 Games
Masterclass 2 - The Running Athlete
Masterclass 3 - The Overhead Athlete
Masterclass 4 - The Seated Athlete
Masterclass 5 - The Footballer
Rocktape Seminar
First Aid for Sport
Ultrasound with Professor Tim Watson
Biomechanics Seminar
2011 Conference - Preparing for the Paralympic Games

"Preparing for the Paralympics"

"Tissue healing and repair"

"The Running Athlete"

Trade Exhibition
Wednesday 4th February 2015
‘The Rugby Player’
‘Masterclass series in Osteopathic Sports Medicine’
The sixth in a Series of OSCA UK Masterclasses
Venue: The General Osteopathic Council, 176 Tower Bridge Road, London SE1 3LU
6.30-7.15 - David Vaux - Osteopath
Pre-conditioning for player robustness in mutli-directional sports
7.15-8.00 - David Millard - Osteopath
Spinal compression in rugby
8.00-8.15 Light sandwich supper
8.15-9.00 Simeon Milton - Osteopath
Pitch side care: pre, during and post match play management
8.45 Panel Discussion (All speakers)