Over the last few years the members of OSCA’s internal development committee have been researching and investigating the potential for a new form of professional Osteopathic membership structure with OSCA.
The primary driver for this project was to create a structure that encouraged acquisition of expertise and experience that improved employment opportunities within elite sports in this country and abroad. This structure, in keeping with other industry leading professions, will be recognisable and familiar to individuals or teams within sport, in turn improving sports employment opportunities for the osteopathic profession.
A wide ranging consultation was conducted across many sectors and professions related to sports medicine and elite performers in relation to osteopathic sports care. It was agreed that the new structure should be recognisable to potential sports employers whilst encouraging the attainment of the highest skill levels. Relevant experience, research projects and promotion of the osteopathic skill set within sports medicine will all be equally weighted as part of the application process for the new pathway.
The new advanced performance pathway membership scheme will be open to existing members of OSCA or any UK qualified Osteopath wishing to join OSCA. It will provide a rigorous and aspiration pathway for development and growth within osteopathic sports care.
Launch of OSCA Advanced Performance Pathway
Internal membership structure committee OSCA

Applications to the new scheme will be assessed and gain points from three equally weighted areas;
Years Qualified
Sports related CPD or further education/post graduate education and activities including lecturing, writing or research
Hours spent engaged in sports care including hours at pitch side or out of clinic, working as part of a sports medical team, touring as part of sports medical team, specific sports strength and conditioning (prehab) and providing player or team injury or performance education.
The new structure is optional and will not affect the membership of those who are already full OSCA members and those wanting to join OSCA but not wishing to apply for the advanced performance pathway. The advanced performance pathway will provide three new levels of membership, all of which are achievable to those members who wish to progress within and promote osteopathic sports care.
Applications will be clear and transparent and supported by clearly stated levels of due diligence and evidence across all three point scoring areas. The internal structure committee will meet at quaterly to discuss levels of awards and individual applications.
Best wishes
Review dates:
January 31st
April 30th
July 31st
October 31st